Thursday, November 26, 2009

A Time for Thanks

As another year draws to a close I have reflected upon the blessings in my life and the people who have touched me, not only this year but in the years gone by. This is my thanks for the blessings, big and small, that have touched me in some way. Though there are many not listed here, I do appreciate each person who has come into my life, for good and for bad, because each of those moments has made me the person I am today. I have chosen not to list most people by name to avoid embarrassing anyone, but I think you will each know who you are.

I give thanks for my mother.
Though there are struggles in caring for an elderly parent it is also highly rewarding as well. Who would I be now if not for the influences I had growing up and living the life I do today?

I am thankful for my father.
When he fell ill in the spring my world crashed down around me and all I could think was “no, not Daddy.” I thank my blessings to have him here with us now and for each smile and laugh that he has given me over the years.

Ever thankful for my wonderful wicked-step-mother.
She has been a true friend and I can never repay her for the gratitude I feel for recognizing what was happening when Dad had his stroke. Over the years she has taught me much and as a child she gave me the kick in the butt that I needed to pick up my grades in school and I still appreciate that.

For my funny Grandpa.
Though I don’t see him as often as I should I truly enjoy talking to him and hearing his corny jokes and pickup lines that he has tried lately.

Forever thankful for Toodles.
You can not only sympathize with the battles I have faced over the last several years but truly empathize. We have laughed and cried together for some of the insanity in our lives. I really don’t know what I would do if you weren’t here.

To the true Little Angel With Horns.
We have had our fights, disagreements and differences of opinions over the years but they have also allowed us to learn and grow as people. I have so much fun when we are together, even if we are just debating the sounds that turtles and alligators make when laying eggs.

Thankful to my children.
Plenty of times they drive me crazy but mostly they make me laugh and smile. A silly joke, a sweet gesture when I don’t feel well, a hug before bed. Being a parent is a huge challenge and an even bigger award. And I thank my blessings that my children have developed my sense of humor and can deal with me on a daily basis.

Thanks to you Skippy.
At times you still drive me absolutely insane but at the end of the day we will always be in one another’s lives and I am thankful for that and I appreciate all that you do for me.

Blessings for the rest of my extended family.
Though there are many that I don’t see often, I am grateful for each one of them. The memories I have for each person and the ways we have touched each others lives over the years will never be forgotten.

Very thankful for a job I truly enjoy.
While it might be stressful at times, I still enjoy the challenges presented each day and don’t take for granted how fortunate I am for my job. I am thankful for the clients that can still smile even when they are going through hell that make up for each of the others that yells.

To my Burnt Cheese and Rotten Tuna.
You are two of the most wonderful people I know. How can the three of us be any more different but so similar? I am proud to call both of you friend. Our initial impressions of one another couldn’t have been any more wrong. I look up to you both more then you know.

Props for the Donut Caper.
I don’t think I know anyone with any more going on in their life on any given day. Your positive attitude is something that I think people could truly learn from.

I give my thanks to the creators of Facebook.
While it might be odd to give thanks for a webpage, it has allowed me to reconnect with so many friends and family that I have lost touch with over the years. It has also opened the door to new friendships with some incredible people.

I am thankful for my Washington Hippie.
You have gone through much stress and heartache over the last year but your attitude is wonderful. You make me laugh, you make me smile and one of these days I WILL be in Washington and we will go out for lunch!

Thank to 47403
From what I know of you so far you are a beautiful person. You writings not only make me think but really make me smile. Stay strong and keep your head up no matter what this world throws at you!

Warm thanks to Sherlock Holmes (minus the hat).
Life had dealt you a shit hand lately. I truly wish that was not the case. I can’t take away your pain or carry your load for you, but I can be your friend and value your friendship. You are an incredible person who I am not only totally comfortable with but am also in awe of as well. In the short time I have known you, you have taught me much and I have learned many things about myself as well.

I am thankful for my wooly friend.
I am not sure what direction my life is heading at the moment. You have let me cry on your shoulder when you had no reason to let me. You have made me smile when I didn’t think it was possible. You are a true friend.

Always thankful for my Little Duck.
I know that you will never judge me, no matter how silly some of my choices are. With a smile and a guiding hand you put me back on course. Chance brought us close and caring has kept us closer. You are truly one of my best friends.

A hug of thanks for The Big Elf.
I have considered you my best friend for I don’t know how many years. We don’t get to see one another as often as I would like, but you are the sweetest person I know. Our lifestyles are polar opposites yet you don’t judge me for who I am. Instead you accept me with all of my oddness and flaws. You truly are one of a kind.

Warm fuzzies for my NX family.
It is quickly approaching ten years that I have known some of you. Looking back I never figured I would stick around for this long. What a wonderfully diverse bunch of people. So many opinions, so many cultures. So many friends.


Jasmin said...

This is so good I love it!

JoJo said...

That is beautiful! I the Washington hippie?