Saturday, November 21, 2009


First things first I have fixed the comments section so that people can comment. I really don't know what the deal was because it was on but I screwed with it until it is now working. Urg. Sorta annoys me that it didn't work to begin with.

Anywho, I was flicking through poems today trying to decide which to upload since I wasn't sure what my inspiration for the day was. I decided to go with fun. My friend Jon and I were chatting online one day and he had this grand idea that we should try to write a poem together each of us writing two lines at a time. I was terrified of the idea! I had never tried to write something like a poem with someone else. And honestly Jon intimidated me. He is to darn smart for his own good and intimidated me. But I thought it could be an interesting learning experience. So this is the product of that attempt. Jon started and we carried on for awhile until he decided I was doing better (I think he was just being nice) and I finished it off. Still amusing to read our odd attempt.


Tumbley-bumbley down a hill
Rolling stoutly, whistling shrill
Free like children down we roll
No moss shall gather while onward we go
What rocks and brambles lie below
Ready to snare us, what snags shall make our progress slow
Yet onward and forward we must always go
With head held high, never hanging low
Flying branches whip by our heads
And the leaves may brush us but the branches never will
With sword held high, our trail you blaze
Like a ray of sun you light the way through this darkened place
My hand in your hand, as you lead me on
Chasing away the monsters that lurk beyond
Hearts beating fast we continue to race
Forward out of this lonely dark place
All is growing quiet now
No howls, no moans or growls
The terrors that have followed have fallen behind
Heads still held high, the forest comes to an end
Finally our feet are able to pause
As we take in the wonder and majesty before
Breathtakingly beautiful it stretches for miles
Not the darkness before but the wide open sea
We stand on the rocks, still hand in hand
No more fear of what was behind us, only hope for what is ahead
Nothing to stop us or slow us down
To scare us or hurt us as it had before when we fled
There is only serenity
A sweet calm, a gentle breeze
Washing over our souls
Cleansing and washing away the fear
Lifting our spirits with the sweetest aroma
Of life and of freedom
No need to look back, or ever regret the past
The future ahead holds all that is needed
The sun rising slowly over the horizon
Your sword no longer a sword, only a beautiful rose
All that is needed in this wonderful place
Gently placing it in my hand
We will go forward, heads still held high
But no more running and tumbling
And we shall do it, side by side