Tuesday, November 17, 2009


I made the decision when I started this blog to only upload one poem per day. While I could have happily uploaded all of them at once I realized that I would quickly run out of material and they would all just get shoved to the bottom of the blog to not be seen.

I have also discovered that in posting one at a time it allows me to pick something appropriate for the day and the mood I am in. Yesterday I had to express my gratitude to one of my two best friends, Jon, because the night before he had once again taken me by the shoulders, shook the crap out of me and show me that I was walking a fine line to self destruction.

I'll say nothing more about my choice for the day other then for my own reasons it fits very well.


Look at me
Look closely at what you see
You look my direction so often
You appear to see me
But all you see is the exterior
Beneath my surface lies a person
A person with a heart
A person with so much to say
Look at me
Look deeper into me
Do you see what's there
Do you see the twinkle in my eyes
They say the eyes are the windows to the soul
The eyes can say so much
Do you see what my eyes are trying to say
Do you see all the signals I'm sending your way
Look I say
Look deeply, concentrate and see it
You see me now, I can tell
You see a side of me you never knew existed
I can see it in your eyes
I can see the recognition that's there
Now you see the person behind the face
Now you an see the feelings hiding there
Look at me again
Look and see how deeply I care
The feelings are growing
These feelings are for only you
Look at me again with new eyes
Look at me and find a friend