Sunday, November 22, 2009

Sleep Sweet Princess

I have debated for several days on whether to post this next item or not although I am not sure why. The truth be told I am a hopeless romantic. Sure I put on the tough girl face and do what I need to do but somewhere inside I am always waiting for my white knight to sweep me off of my feet. This item is a product of that...

Sleep Sweet Princess

I dare not sleep
I am so afraid
Not wanting to know what awaits
Nightmares already swirling
Chasing through my mind
Cringing, I turn aside
Rest will not come
Release only in writing
The pen is my friend
Taking me to far away places

Snowflakes falling down
Sprinkling the land in a white blanket
All is so calm and serene
All alone I stand on a hill
Watching and waiting
Wondering what I am waiting for
The sound of hooves breaks the silence
Turning I see a mounted rider approach
Sitting proudly on his gallant steed
Snowflakes falling gently upon his shoulders
My heart skips a beat
My thoughts in turmoil
Do I stay?
Do I run?
He is upon me now, bringing his mount to a stop
His deep eyes looking into mine
I can’t turn away from his gaze
Intently looking at me
Slowly his face begins to change
Sadness melting from his face
A sweet smile blossoms on his lips
Allowing me a glimpse into his soul
He slowly reaches out a hand
His intention so clear
Should I go with him?
Shyness radiating from me
The nod of his head reassures me
This is my chance
My hand now in his
Making my soul quiver from the unknown
Pulling me up onto his horse
Placing his arms around me
Holding me gently
Helping my weary body to ride
We ride off in silence
Words are not needed here
Onward we ride
Over hills and through trees
Something growing larger in the distance
Suddenly it comes into focus
A breathtaking sight to behold
Amazing not enough to say about it
Built with rock and mortar
Beautifully detailed in every way
We have arrived
Walls of our castle loom above
My heart skips another beat
Mesmerized by all that sourounds me
I am finally home
In my castle where I belong
My prince by my side
My heart no longer alone

A sweet fantasy world
All courtesy of my pen
Sleep should come now
Sweet dreams await
No more fear of the dark
Now ‘tis only time to rest
Words giving me sweet release from fear
When no other option is available
My imagination like a security blanket
Making my soul warm again
Sleep, sweet princess