Sunday, November 15, 2009


She sits alone
At the highest peak
An angel with new wings
A baby bird just ready to leave the nest
A sweet butterfly new from her cocoon
So afraid to spread her wings
The fear of failure
The crash to the bottom of a lonely ravine
Only a faint glimmer of hope
Hope that she can fly
Her mentor appears
Like a flash of lightening giving her hope
She can do it
She will fly
He will guider her towards heeling
Towards freedom
Towards hope
He will lift her when she falls
Show her a new way
A new day
She spreads her wings
Jumps from the precipice upon which she perched
Not flying
But not falling
A balance between
A new lightness in her heart giving her courage
The demons are still there
Following her flight
But she can face them now
Confront and vanquish them
She beats her wings harder
Trying to soar to the heavens
But what is this?
It's growing darker
A mist closing in
She flounders unsure of which way to go
To fly or to land
A net thrown over her
Bringing a sudden stop
Her wing has been clipped
She can only flap it feebly
She tries to fly again
Now only going in circles
Her feet never leaving the ground
She has had a taste of the sky
She doesn't want to remain glued to the ground
The helplessness overwhelming
But she knows she will fly again
For now though her place is on the ground

Written October 28, 2007