Monday, November 16, 2009

My Sun

My Neverland was originally created as a place for me to display my poetry and share it with others. However, I soon realized that I could not display only my own works because there was another that helped me achieve the point that I was at in showing my poetry to others. I had not written in many years. I was horribly depressed and had nothing but sadness to write about. Then came along a friend... a chance encounter that changed the course of my life in so many ways. He showed me that there was a possibility for happiness in this crazy world. He showed me that I could hold my head up and be happy to be me. He was my kindred spirit and through his words I was able to find my own once again. He is, and always will be, my little duck. My personal sunshine when I am lost and alone and I know he will not judge me no matter how foolish I have been. He wrote the following for me when I was going through my darkest of times and I feared everything and just wanted to escape from life. It was a warm hug that I could carry in my pocket at all times and I could pull it out and read it when I needed the comfort. Love you little duck.

Jonathan Bogaty

Light bird starts feeling the light of the Sun
Ruffling her feathers
Casting a splint to mend her broken wings
What does she see?
Does it heal
Does it hurt
Is it love
Is it fear
What do you do?
What do you hold onto?
When you only want to hold onto what's new
When the old stuff inside seems tired and gray
So you go without a mooring
Holding fast and firm to its rays
Skin cracks and peels
Opens up and parts in places
White, flaring light of your soul pours out
What do you do?
What do you hold onto?
You feel the heat begin to burn
Cauterizing the pain
But pain in of itself
You ask yourself if it's worth it
And feel ashamed for asking
You know and you don't know
And so you turn inside again
Out of instinct
For something to take up
A blanket to pull over your head
To make the Sun a little muter as you rise
But the blankets are gone
The attic's been cleaned
The scary, fumbling jack-in-the-boxes
Demonic, crying, screaming grins
That pop out as you fumble blindly upstairs
Thrown out into the bin
It's cool
It's quiet
But at last it's getting empty
Spring cleaning for the soul
But no more blankets
So what do you do?
What do you hold onto?
You turn your head away
Try to gain some respite
As old feathers fall and molt
And new ones grow
Skin replenishing, bone regrowing
And then a wing touches yours
A soul touches yours
And you're not alone
We fly together
And raise our eyes to be blinded
The answer
We hold onto love
We look towards the Sun
And if it blinds us, burns us
We were dark regardless
Stumbling, fumbling
Bumping into toys in the attic
Letting them jump out and scare us
Give us nightmares
We may still be fumbling
But we're fumbling together in the light