Saturday, November 14, 2009

The Return of Neverland

A couple of years ago I decided to create a webpage to display my creative writings on. For awhile all was grand and I was thrilled to have the ability to share the things items I had created over the years. Unfortunately the site I opted to pay for and host with ended up having issues and my webpage got shuffled to the side. I finally grew tired of waiting for the issues to be fixed and decided to just remove the page as I couldn't change it anyway. But I missed what I had created. I decided to recreate some portion of my Neverland here. It isn't the same but that is ok. It still gives me an outlet to share not only my creative works but also just general information and updates. I think this will be a good balance for me.

However, to me it is not my Neverland without my original introduction so I will place that here for now until I find a better way to display it elsewhere on this blog:

Wikipedia defines poetry as: "a form of art in which language is used for its aesthetic and evocative qualities in addition to, or in lieu of its ostensible meaning." A fine definition if ever there was one. However, I think that to each person the term "poetry" has the potential for many different meanings. It can be written as a token of love. As a way to express how one feels, whether positive or negative. A way to express your gratitude for the people,
places and things around you. A source of release for emotions that one is unable to otherwise express. A form of mental therapy if you will. A poetic verse can bring tears of pain to your eyes with its heartfelt emotion, make you laugh with its comedy, put a smile on your face when your lover writes you verse that melts your heart. I believe these statements better explain the complexity of the art of poetry. How it can touch your life in a way that you never expected.

Like all art, poetry must be shared in order to appreciate its beauty. So I share my personal interpretation and love for verse along with a collection of poems written by others that have touched my world in some way.