Monday, November 30, 2009


So I have said before that I don't generally like to do the "rhyming poetry" thing. While that is true that doesn't mean that I don't give it a try now and then.


You’ll never know what might have been;
A lover, an equal, a partner, an eternal kin.

Never again shall you feel my warm embrace;
Never again will you see my smiling face.

The words in my heart never spoken;
The sound of my heart, totally broken.

Unseen to you are the tears I have cried;
All the hurt and desire inside that I hide.

Dreams of a warm castle home perched high on a hill;
Dreams that are now only long corridors that leave a lingering chill.

A possible love story to last through the ages;
Now nothing more than a rustling of forgotten pages.

My love was yours to forever hold;
Instead it is unspoken words never told.

Each moment with you is a time I shall forever cherish;
And though time will move on my love for you will never perish.