Wednesday, November 18, 2009


Well there is no more appropriate poem for me to post today then this one. My big sister is totally on my mind today and will be staying with me for a few days following a surgery she is going in for tomorrow. Other then the surgery this should result in many laughs and smiles. Much love for my sisters. :)


Who can you count on?
Who can you trust?
Someone to always be by your side
Though arguments may occur
Forgiveness always around the corner
Only one relationship comes to mind
An inseparable bond
Through thick and thin
Someone to look up to
To vent with
To argue with
A best friend when you need a helping hand
A mentor to show you the way
You are my sister
Someone I look up to
Only a phone call away
I am your sister
Someone you can count on
If you are feeling down, I will try to make you smile
That is what we do
You may be scared
Feeling all alone
But know that you are never alone
You can lean on me
I can lean on you
A bond that can't be broken
Always there no matter how many miles separate us
Because no matter what
You are my sister