Monday, October 4, 2010



Warm sun, setting quick
Rays of light and hope disappearing
A blanket of warmth turning cold and chilly
Taking with it the hopes and dreams of the day
Wanting, reaching, ever grasping
Clinging to stay but slowly slipping away
A moment in time soon forgotten
Taken for granted over and again
Counted on to always be there
Like a breath always expected to breathe
One sunrise after another
Always there but rarely embraced
Expected to shine on forevermore
But someday the sun will set forever
Never to warm you again
On that day will you cry?
Weep tears of sorrow for the moment forgotten?
Hold tight to that ray of light
Never let it go unthanked and unembraced
For you never know if that moment will be its last.

Written September 25, 2010. Not a good day obviously lol


JoJo said...

:`( *sniff* So true. Beautifully put.

Siobhan said...

Awww thanks. I had just just attend the funeral for my friend's mother and was thinking about my own relationships and my dad and well... this is what I ended up with while sitting at the park watching the sun set. Which reminds me I have a picture to go with this...