Thursday, April 29, 2010

Fly Free

Well after my little rant in my last blog, I figured I would actually post another poem. Shocking huh? haha. Anyway, I was browsing through my list of poetry and came across this one. In reading through this again two things occur to me: 1. I was obviously at a very dark and trying time in my life; and 2. No matter how low I feel, I am, and always will be, a hopeless romantic.

Fly Free

My heart bleeds
My body shakes
My emotions in turmoil
I've done it again
Your lonely little bird
Scared and flying away
Desperately seeking approval
Fearing rejection
Wanting love and acceptance
Yet causing hurt
Running when she doesn't understand
Unable to know right from wrong
So afraid of causing more pain
Hurting the one person who understands
The little bird begs for forgiveness
But expects none
Thinking in her mind that she doesn't deserve it
He is her guardian angel
A bright spot in a dark and cruel world
His words sing through her heart like a melody
Igniting a fire that died long ago
Giving her pause
Making her see what it is to fly again
To leave behind the dark demons which haunt her dreams
Following her through her day
Refusing to give her a moment's peace
Chipping away at what is left of her fractured soul
But he lifts her up
Banishing the demons
Putting her high on a ledge and showing her that it is ok
She will be able to do it
To live, to soar amongst the clouds
To reach for the heavens
He will lead the way
Teach her how to fly again
To live a true life, not a ghost of an existence
Her guardian angel
Her white knight
Leading her back to the heavens where they can fly free together for the rest of time

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Time for a Vent

So I haven’t updated this blog for awhile. Part of the reason was over the holidays I was stressed out and busy as heck. After that the reason I didn’t update it was because there was something I wanted to write but which I haven’t taken the time to sit down and write. The point of this blog was for my poetry. But it is my blog and I can do what I want with it (right??) so I decided in this case to use it as my venting board. My vent would be on religion and politics and particularly how they affect people and their attitudes.

Several months ago I made a new friend. We had different opinions on things when it came to politics and religion. For the most part this didn’t seem to be an issue until I totally disagreed with something that was said. The result was a very upsetting and inappropriate response that was extremely offensive and a personal attack on me. I was surprised to say the least.

I have never been one to get on the political or religious bandwagons. Politics I just don’t generally understand. Seriously how can anyone 100% most of what is said. You take one speaker and have two different people listen to the political speech and both of the people in the audience can draw totally different opinions and understandings from it based on their own personal feelings. Who is right? Who is wrong? It isn’t just black and white because each person draws from their own personal experience and beliefs. The same applies to religion. Each religion has their own beliefs and ideas of right and wrong.

I have attempted to take the time to follow politics and understand what the arguments were all about. However, I quickly loose interest time and again because it so frequently ends up being a personal attack given by one person or the other. Why should I listen or try to listen to your side of the argument when you back up what is said by saying “you are an idiot if you believe X, Y or Z.” Insulting my intelligence does nothing to help me understand your side or make me even feel the desire to see your side.

Does anyone every truly like to be insulted? Not anyone that I know. I respect that people have their own beliefs when it comes to politics and/or religion. That is great! But using either one as a justification for a personal attack on fellow people with emotions, feelings and beliefs just doesn’t seem right to me. What happened to respecting others? What happened to treating people the way you want to be treated? Does calling me or someone else an idiot because we have a different belief make people really feel better? In so many ways it seems like a grown up version of a kindergarten fight on the playground.

“I think Legos are better then Tinker Toys.”
“Because I said so and you are stupid.”

“I think Bush was better then Obama.”
“What do you base your opinion on?”
“Because he does dumb stuff and if you can’t see that then you are an idiot.”

Seriously, what is the difference between the two arguments? Neither has any supporting data or evidence one way or the other and both simply turn into personal attacks. You can substitute some religious belief in either scenario and have the same argument occur.

Frankly I don’t care what political party you belong to. I don’t care what religion you belong to. It makes no difference to me if you are a patriot, a republican, a loyalist, a democrat, catholic, Mormon, Jewish, Muslim or Hindu. I don’t care if you are a man or a woman, straight or gay, fat or skinny. What I care about is the human spirit and the way that people treat others. If you can treat others with respect and understanding as opposed to finger pointing and name calling then you will earn my respect and my ear to listen to what you have to say.

You want me to be on your political and/or religious stance then lead me by example of good character and compassion, not through insults and belittling statements.