Thursday, February 24, 2011


Dark angel
Earthly bound
A heart full of hurt
A mind tangled in fear and confusion
Her soul darkened over time
What was once sweet and pure now forever changed
Lessons of heartache and pain filling her with doubt
Reflections of times past
A time of innocence and joy
Hopes held high
Dreams of a perfect forever
Slowly each hope torn away
With each infliction of hurt comes a growing anger
Mistrust in those around her
She spreads her ebony wings one last time
Opening herself to more possibilities of pain
But holding on to that small dot of hope that still burns inside.

A white angel
Sent from above
His heart so open and loving
Able to forgive and always love
A touch of gray around his edges
Past misdeeds blemishing his soul
Yet not so heavy a burden as to change him
Only enough to teach him, to let him grow
A heart that loves with a passion unparalleled
Never doubting, always hoping
Able to take the steps to stumble but rise proud again.

A chance meeting
The twinkling stars shining overhead
The white angel stands before the dark one
Two hearts and two souls so different
Yet each holding what the other needs
The dark angel trembles in fear
She has known not someone like this
Paranoia flashing inside her
Sure he must be the work of Satan himself
Sent to unsettle her
To make her lower her walls only to then show his true nature
She steps away in fear
The white angel can see the fear in her
Like a wounded animal she draws away
Yet in that one glance he can sense the hope that still lives in her
Slowly he approaches
His palms upturned to show she has nothing to fear
The dark angel shivers again but does not withdraw
Slowly he takes her in his arms
A warmth like no other filling her
With each passing day the two are drawn closer together
Like two magnets unable to resist the pull
He lifts her each time she falls
She pulls him back to earth each time he flies to high
Not taking from one another
Sharing instead
Each piece of their being becoming a part of the other
His wings darken lightly
Hers becoming paler with time
Both finding the perfect balance in the other
Not an easy road
Instead a bumpy journey
Each bump an experience to learn from
She will never be the white angel
He will never be dark
Yet instead they shall live together as a brilliant ray of silver.

February 24, 2011